
Juvenile Delinquency

This is when the minors engage in activities but may be considered as illegal if adults performed them. The age of minors will depend on which state is in question. In most states in the United States, the minority age is between 16 and 18 years. The actions that may be illegal when done by adults may be illegal if they are done by minors below this age bracket. However, this may sometimes depend on the nature and severity of the crime. Some crimes may not be let go unpunished. Statistics show that many youths are facing arrests today. Teenagers below the age of twenty have been arrested and charged. This does not necessarily signify that there is a rise in crime among the youths. Specialists claim that the there is a lot of change in policies. Most of the new policies that are being put in place have zero tolerance to crime. They are more aggressive in seeking criminal justice than in the recent past. Some crimes like violent crimes, property crimes, and status offenses among the youths are not categorized as juvenile delinquency.

Individual Risk Factors

There are varieties of risk factors that may tend to lead to an increase in the involvement in adolescent crimes. The primary factor is the individual factors. This is dependent on the psychological behavior of an individual. Mostly, it is affected by the individual intelligence. Little intelligence may lead to language delays, troublesome behavior and being aggressive. Teenagers that do not perform better in school tend to will not be attached to school and education. Performing poorly in school is offending, and it could lead to adolescents indulging in violent and state crimes. However, it is not clear if brain functions could increase juvenile delinquencies.

Family Environment and Peer pressure

Some aspects of parental discipline and supervisions could lead to an increase in the crimes by adolescents. Adolescents are in the testing and experimenting age. When they are with the peers, they want to test many things. This may land them into trouble with the parents. In the long run, this may attract some harsh punishment and conflict with the parent. This may turn the kid to be rebellious and lead to juvenile delinquency. The way and the kind of family that a child is brought up in may result in increased adolescent crimes. Single parented children are worse affected by this problem. They will indulge in crimes at very tender ages. Worse are children that are brought up in families that parents are drug addicts. These children lack the parental advice and will most of the times copy what they see being done around them.

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