
Picking Up Compelling, Argumentative Essay Topics On Gay Marriage

An argumentative essay demands a debatable topic with ample proof on both sides. Therefore, when selecting a topic especially in the sexuality niche, gay marriage topics are the next big thing. The reason why these topics do so well in such a composition is the conflict of opinion, new and old world plights, hypocrisy on part of the masses and passionate rebuttals by the LGBT community. There are a lot of things one can argue about in this regard, from the blatant refusal to accept the gay people as normal people, to the fact that gay marriage is not identified as a proper institution allowing two men eternal bond of love and compassion.

When writing an argumentative article, the most difficult part is choosing the prompt itself and the entire structure of the essay, the debate that is built by the paper is entirely based on the prompt. Therefore, in order to find a truly gripping topic to write about, one has to make sure that it is according to the current issues faced by the LBGT community. One also would make sure it’s relevant, is supported by statistics, and quotes real life exampled and not theoretical results. Lastly, it should ensure that the conclusion is fruitful.

With these markers in mind, some of the best ways to find current affair topics regarding this particular niche is:

  • Keep updated about the issues being faced, especially in marriage. This can be accomplished by making use of the especially vibrant social media about such topics. One way to ensure the best delivery of such topics is to make sure that the topic being written about is fairly recent (ideally a few days to a week ago).
  • The second best way is to stick to the classics but to present new views about the same. One can start with the same rant about gay marriage vs. cultural taboos, but one must also develop coherent line of thought, conclusions based on data provided in samples, new line of arguments which are relevant today and to the original scope of the LGBT debate. Some popular topics include:
  • Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives
  • Gay Marriage: The greys of 2nd amendment
  • Gay Marriage: IS it really that bad? Why only heterosexual society has the right to get married
  • What threat gay marriage poses to society?

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